Our Recommended Suppliers
We only recommend suppliers who we believe have the highest quality control practices and excellent customer service.
These companies don’t just tell us they care about quality, they spell out every step of their practice from the moment they receive raw materials, conduct third party testing and analysis, and on to the final review and release of the product for sale.
Our trusted suppliers are:
SCIENCE.BIO – Use the code GOODBRAINGUIDE10 to enjoy 10% off storewide
Cosmic Nootropic – Use the code GOODBRAINGUIDE to enjoy 10% off storewide
Swisschems – Use the code GBG10 to enjoy 10% off storewide
BulkSupplements.com – Use the code GBG5 to enjoy 5% off storewide
Mind Lab Pro – One of the most popular pre-formulated nootropic stacks that comes in an easy capsule
Performance Lab – Incredibly effective formulas designed to optimize function in specific performance-oriented pathways, such as energy, strength, brainpower, vision, sleep and digestion.