The best nootropics for musicians who want to learn, create and perform music better
From musical icons like Mozart and Beethoven to contemporary pop stars such as David Bowie and Bruno Mars, societies have long elevated musicians – and with good reason. There have been numerous studies linking musical talent to extreme creative ability and heightened cognitive functioning. This article talks about how nootropics can help enhance these cognitive functions and suggests the best nootropics for musicians.
Today, there is pressure on musicians to constantly produce, perform, and achieve success as soon as possible. This can leave many of them feeling a little lost and overwhelmed. This pressure, turns more and more musicians to nootropics to help them regain their bearings and elevate their careers.
Nootropics are a group of substances designed to improve brain functions. They can have positive effects on memory, productivity, focus, concentration, creativity, and cognition.
Before diving into how nootropics can help you as a musician learn, create and perform better, we need to first talk about the musician’s psyche to understand how you could benefit from cognitive supplements.
Are musicians’ brains wired differently?
Several studies have highlighted anatomical and functional differences between the brains of an expert musician and an amateur or non-musician.
Essentially, our brains are composed of two structures: the ‘white matter’ and the ‘grey matter’. The grey matter is the outer shell of the brain and consists of the special brain cells called neurons, which process and integrate information. The white matter is the inner content of the brain, which constitutes the axonal tracts, which basically receive, relay or forward that information throughout the network of neurons and then to specific parts of the body. This relaying of information to the whole body is actually done via the spinal cord, which is also an important part of the central nervous system.
The brain consists of 40% grey matter, while 60% of it is white matter. Precisely, the grey matter handles things like higher processing and other cognitive functions, whereas the white matter is generally responsible for carrying out electrical signals, just as in a computer with the processors and the data transfer pathways.
Studies show that an expert musicians’ brain contains a lot more grey matter than non-musicians or amateurs. Research also proves that musicians have a higher volume of cerebellum compared to non-musicians, another part of the central nervous system which deals with cognition and learning.
These structural changes of the brain are actually the result of long hours of rehearsals and practice that musicians put in from the early stages of their lives. Musical training is associated with improved creative skills and intelligence.
Clinical trials show that expert musicians tend to have higher IQ levels, cognitive performance, executive functioning and memorizing capabilities. Their brains are highly equipped to read, understand, process and perform in a timely manner.
What does playing an instrument do to your brain?
An experienced otolaryngologist from John Hopkins University states:
“There are few things that stimulate the brain the way music does. If you want to keep your brain engaged throughout the aging process, listening to or playing music is a great tool. It helps provide a total brain workout.
In other words, playing musical instruments is like exercising your brain to help it keep fit. What you’re doing is basically ‘warming up’ the neurons in your brain, making them process information more effectively which results in better cognitive performance. This in turn results in better attention, creativity, memory and better problem-solving abilities and an overall improved quality of life.
How does the brain process music?
Music has an overall effect on the brain but there are specific parts that are most affected. These include:
- The Temporal Lobe: the auditory cortex in the temporal lobe of the brain is one of the first structures involved. It receives electrical signals from the hair cells of the cochlea, a part of the inner ear. The temporal lobe interprets and decodes music and its properties such as pitch, melody, timbre, etc.
- The Cerebellum: processes the rhythm of music.
- The Frontal Lobe: has the prefrontal cortex which interprets the emotional content of music.
- The Hippocampus: is involved in storing memories and is responsible for recording musical instruments’ qualities such as chords, keys and strings as well as memorizing compositions.
- Several neurotransmitters or chemicals like Dopamine, Oxytocin, Prolactin are released and provide an ecstatic feeling, the same you get when you eat chocolate or win a competition.
When musicians take nootropics, these parts of the brain are enhanced to help the musician perform at higher cognitive levels.
Math and Music
According to a research paper published by the Manchester Institute of Mathematical Sciences (MMIS) the connection between mathematics and music is immense and spans over two thousand years. The exact correlation is actually debatable – whether musical training promotes mathematical ability, vice versa or whether these skills simply develop in parallel.
It’s undeniable, however, that those who study music have achieved higher mathematics performance compared with students who have not. In fact, research suggests that the connecting link may be the high-level cognitive processing skills that are necessary for both subjects. A good example are the executive functions necessary for calculations – pervasive in both music and math.
What challenges do you face as a musician?
Performance anxiety: According to a study music performance anxiety (MPA) is a real phenomenon caused by the interaction of many factors like genetics and environmental stimuli combined with your experiences, emotions and behavior. Studies show that music composers are 10 times more likely to experience anxiety and 5 times more likely to experience depression than the normal population. Now, while a certain degree of performance anxiety is normal, it can sometimes become debilitating and even qualify as a mental disorder. The last thing you want coming up to a performance is to have severe anxiety or a panic attack. And if it happens often, it can affect your mental health and prevent you from doing what you most desire – to rock a performance and be fully present to enjoy each moment. Nootropics for musicians can help you overcome this problem
Learning and memorization: Musicians have to be able to learn large volumes of notes, chords and lyrics. This can be hugely demanding and stressful on your brain. This is where your hippocampus aka. your memory bank play a vital role as it stores both short and long-term memories.
Improvisation: Sometimes you need to improvise, especially during live performances. Even rockstars have forgotten lyrics, tripped or missed a dance move on stage, in front of thousands of fans. But a true pro is able to recover without missing a beat, with the audience none the wiser. Another great example is jazz improvisation, where a defining element is the musician’s ability to compose on the spot. Nootropics can help with the focus, attention and clarity you need to wing it, and wing it good.
Creativity: A common view is that if you’re more artistic or creative, the right side of your brain is more dominant. Whereas, people with a dominant left side of the brain are thought to be more analytical in their thinking. Musicians continuously need to use their creative mind muscles to generate new ideas. This can be a major problem if you’re a composer or songwriter because when you get tired, your brain isn’t able to work at the levels it needs to create originial work.
Focus, concentration and clarity: Musicians need a focused and clear mind to learn, practice and perform music. Any form of distraction can damage your flow state – the much sought-after state of mind where you’re fully immersed and performing at your best. The right nootropics can help you achieve and maintain the flow state.
So, what are some of the best nootropics for musicians?
Nootropics work by increasing the metabolism and oxygenation of the brain cells, also known as neurons. They also increase chemical substances in the brain called neurotransmitters, hence improving the overall cognitive and executive functioning of the brain. However, under no circumstances are they a substitute for exercise, a healthy diet or sleep.
Here are some examples of nootropics that can effectively help musicians learn, create and perform better.

- Bacopa Monnieri: used as an Ayurvedic herb for centuries, it’s one ofthe best-known nootropics available today. Bacopa enhances learning and retaining capacity and improves memory, both short and long-term. It also helps in overcoming stage fright and anxiety you feel before a performance. Many clinical trials also prove its memory-enhancing properties.
2. L-Theanine: a natural constituent of green tea, is proven to be one of the best antioxidants. Its nootropic effects include decreasing anxiety and stress by releasing Dopamine and Serotonin in the brain, also known as ‘happy chemicals’. It can help you feel calm and relaxed, without the drowsiness. It also improves endurance, alertness and concentration, especially when taken with Caffeine. A recent study on L-Theanine and Caffeine confirmed its combination seems to improve focus and attention remarkably while decreasing the jittery effects that can come from taking Caffeine on its own.
3. Citicoline or CDP-Choline: is a form of a nutrient called Choline, which is essential for a healthy brain. It’s also prescribed to patients suffering from Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease as it boosts memory and learning. Citicoline itself works by breaking down in the brain to form Choline, which is an important component of the neurotransmitter Acetylcholine, essentially speeding up the signals transmitted between the neurons. Consequently, it increases your brain power, improves your cognitive performance as well as other executive functions which are vital to you when creating music.
4. N-Acetyl L-Tyrosine (NALT): is a bioavailable form of L-Tyrosine, which the brain uses to form neurotransmitters like Dopamine, Epinephrine and Norepinephrine. A study shows that Tyrosine refines memory and revamps mental clarity, especially under stressful and multitasking conditions which you often experience as a musician or artist. It also helps improve mood and sharpens focus, while reducing fatigue and sleep deprivation, overall improving your mental performance.
4. Pre-made Stacks – A convenient alternative
If stacking nootropics feels too complex, ready-formulas are a great alternative for musicians looking for a boost. Pre-made options like Mindlab Pro and Performance Lab, two top-notch brands in the nootropic world are well regarded for overall performance, neuroprotection and brain health.
Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro offers an all-in-one formula designed to boost overall cognitive function. With 11 research-backed ingredients like Citicoline, Bacopa Monnieri, and Rhodiola Rosea, it aims to enhance memory, focus, and brain health. Their clean label and third-party testing ensure quality and potency, making it a reliable choice for comprehensive cognitive support. Imagine having the mental stamina to stay focused through long study sessions without the usual fatigue – that’s the kind of benefit users have experienced.
Performance Lab Mind

Performance Lab takes a cutting-edge approach to nootropics with its innovative “ultramodern” nutrition technology. Their Performance Lab Mind formula includes Citicoline and Phosphatidylserine, designed to enhance mental clarity, focus, and cognitive energy. They prioritize quality, offering non-GMO, caffeine-free, and additive-free products, ideal for those seeking sustainable cognitive enhancement.
Choosing ready-formulas like these simplifies nootropic stacking for cognitive performance, providing you with a convenient, effective solution. For those looking to dive deeper, both brands offer extensive resources to guide your journey. Ready-formulas can be a great starting point for achieving your cognitive performance goals without the complexity of stacking.
Can nootropics help you become a better musician?
The short answer is, yes. As a musician, artist, performer or even as a music student you need extensive brain power and mental energy to stay creative and motivated. The more you practice, the better you become. The more creative you are, the higher your chances of success. The better you’re able to overcome some or all of the challenges you face in your day to day life as a musician, the more confident you’ll feel in your abilities and your talent. The right nootropics can certainly help you achieve the high levels of performance you need to succeed.
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